Subject: Charlie Jade Season 1 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers) [Print This Page] Author: bala Time: 8-5-2009 09:10 Subject: Charlie Jade Season 1 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)
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I'm watching this and i realise this is a low quality sci-fi show and somehow watch able i know first episode doesn't really grab you but i give few more episodes before i make up my mind .This is a complicated sci-fi show so it might few episode understand everything
[ Last edited by spratt89 at 3-1-2015 21:44 ] Author: serena75 Time: 8-5-2009 15:21 Subject: Reply 1#1 bala's post
I just watched the first episode. In the beginning of the episode, it felt a bit like the movie Blade Runner. And later, I got the feeling of watching someone else play a computer game, like those adventure games. Not much action, but an (well, somewhat) interesting story.
I thought it was ok, and will continue watching Author: bala Time: 8-5-2009 22:03 Subject: Reply 2#2 serena75's post
i think trying go in a different way but clif-hanger from first episode makes you want watch the second Author: serena75 Time: 8-6-2009 01:07 Subject: Reply 3#3 bala's post
Yes, the way the first episode ended, I just have to watch the second episode Will probably do that later today... Author: bala Time: 8-6-2009 01:10 Subject: Reply 4#4 serena75's post
i hope they don't make that the pattern for every episode Author: serena75 Time: 8-6-2009 01:14 Subject: Reply 5#5 bala's post
I was thinking the same! That would be frustrating, to say the least... Author: bala Time: 8-6-2009 01:15 Subject: Reply 6#6 serena75's post
We will just have wait and see
Todays new show look very interesting Author: serena75 Time: 8-6-2009 01:23 Subject: Reply 7#7 bala's post
You mean The Border? Yes, it looks interesting. Might give it a try
Someone gave 1 star to Charlie Jade Author: bala Time: 8-6-2009 01:29 Subject: Reply 8#8 serena75's post
Well i don't blame them i would a 2
Yes the boarder Author: serena75 Time: 8-6-2009 01:33 Subject: Reply 9#9 bala's post
I'll wait, until I've watched more than just one episode. I don't know yet what grade I would give. Author: bala Time: 8-6-2009 01:55 Subject: Reply 10#10 serena75's post
i usually rate shows after i watch more than 5 episodes Author: serena75 Time: 8-6-2009 02:35 Subject: Reply 11#11 bala's post
I'd rather watch a complicated sci-fi show, than a sit-com. I've watched too many sit-coms in my life Author: bala Time: 8-6-2009 02:37 Subject: Reply 12#12 serena75's post
But problem there are 18 episode i don't think this was meant to last 1 season-i suspect this show got cancelledAuthor: serena75 Time: 8-6-2009 02:57 Subject: Reply 13#13 bala's post
I don't know. I read on a forum that they ran out of money to do a second season, but SciFi network picked it up and might consider doing a second season. It's not cancelled, just on-hold. But that was in 2008. We'll have to wait and see. Author: bala Time: 8-6-2009 03:02 Subject: Reply 14#14 serena75's post
it's been more than 1 year it's dead in the water
according to it has ended Author: serena75 Time: 8-6-2009 06:07 Subject: Reply 15#15 bala's post
can you believe we managed talk about a new show leading 2 pages
we not even discuss the episode Author: serena75 Time: 8-6-2009 06:30 Subject: Reply 17#17 bala's post
But we did (well, mostly) talk about the show, though Author: bala Time: 8-6-2009 06:34 Subject: Reply 18#18 serena75's post
Well we only watch 1 episode
ps: since your a sci-fi fan -are you fan of andromeda ? Author: serena75 Time: 8-6-2009 06:39 Subject: Reply 19#19 bala's post
Of course Author: bala Time: 8-6-2009 06:41 Subject: Reply 20#20 serena75's post
not many fans on here -i love that show i posted a topics on the forum in sci-fi sectionAuthor: serena75 Time: 8-6-2009 06:45 Subject: Reply 21#21 bala's post
I used to watch it on tv before I joined friendvista, but I've been thinking that I'd watch Andromeda again Author: bala Time: 8-6-2009 06:49 Subject: Reply 22#22 serena75's post
i saw the first 3 season on tv than when it got added on here i watch last 2 i was disappointed with the 5th season . sorry i keep going side-track Author: serena75 Time: 8-6-2009 06:52 Subject: Reply 23#23 bala's post
I noticed that... At least, it's another sci-fi show
I remember being disappointed at Andromeda in the end. Still a great show, though. Author: bala Time: 8-6-2009 06:55 Subject: Reply 24#24 serena75's post
it ain't often i get a member to have a online conversation with me on here. .
i enjoy chatting to you Author: bala Time: 8-6-2009 08:17 Subject: Episode 2 : Sand
Well not exactly good start but it was intresting just when he so close finding the answer to where he is he loses that women. we got a better understanding as to what is happening piece by piece. Author: serena75 Time: 8-6-2009 09:48 Subject: Reply 25#25 bala's post
Right back at you I thought you wouldn't have the time to be an active member, when you're not a mod anymore. It's nice seeing around the board Author: bala Time: 8-6-2009 09:50 Subject: Reply 27#27 serena75's post
Well i got nothing better to do-that the honest truth
i might as well enjoy the free shows while it last
ps: I'm on episode 4 of this show -race you to the finish line
[ Last edited by bala at 8-6-2009 17:51 ] Author: serena75 Time: 8-6-2009 09:59 Subject: Reply 28#28 bala's post
Well, it's a great way of spending your time Author: bala Time: 8-6-2009 10:01 Subject: Reply 29#29 serena75's post
yes it is but my parents think I'm wasting my time Author: serena75 Time: 8-6-2009 10:03 Subject: Reply 28#28 bala's post
Hey, wait a minute...! Author: bala Time: 8-6-2009 10:16 Subject: 4. The Power of Suggestion
Ok now we getting a better picture Boxer wants control of the company and he has set up board of director to take the fall for terrorist attack but that women is still a loose end and Charlie hasn't figured out what's going on-I'm curious to know if he will get back to his universe since his girlfriend is in trouble and everyone thinks he's dead.
moving on to episode 5 Author: serena75 Time: 8-6-2009 10:27 Subject: Reply 30#30 bala's post
Parents always think that, don't they Author: bala Time: 8-6-2009 10:30 Subject: Reply 33#33 serena75's post
Well they don't appreciate free time-they believe every minute should be utilise when you young because when you get older it will difficult. Author: serena75 Time: 8-6-2009 13:45 Subject: Reply 26#26 bala's post
Just watched the second episode Sand. The ending was just as great as in the first episode. Now, I have to continue watching!
To be honest, some of the dialogs are horrible. The acting is ok, nothing more. But the story is interesting
What would you do, if you ended up in a parallel world and the people you knew don't know who you are?
That O1 (I thought his name was Owen, at first) was creepy.
[ Last edited by serena75 at 8-6-2009 23:34 ] Author: serena75 Time: 8-6-2009 13:47 Subject: Reply 34#34 bala's post
"Youth is wasted on the young" Author: bala Time: 8-6-2009 22:14 Subject: Reply 35#35 serena75's post
i think the problem with this show is that focus complex story-line and put no focus on dialogue Author: serena75 Time: 8-7-2009 01:39 Subject: Reply 37#37 bala's post
Or maybe it's a combination of poorly written dialogs and bad acting... I didn't like Charlie's voice-over. Reena's was slightly better.
I'll probably watch the third episode later today, if I have the time Author: bala Time: 8-7-2009 01:41 Subject: Reply 38#38 serena75's post
i thinking putting this show back burner - i seen 5 episode like you said it's not very exciting Author: serena75 Time: 8-7-2009 01:46 Subject: Reply 39#39 bala's post
It'll give me a chance to catch up with you Author: carlorica Time: 8-7-2009 08:33
It is not a bad show but not a great on either. I can see why it was canceled. Well at least not given the greenlight to produce a second season. Author: bala Time: 8-7-2009 08:35 Subject: Reply 41#41 carlorica's post
yes it fairly obvious why it got cancelled-they could made it better just simply the concept -they made too difficult to follow and you need time to watch it. i perfer watching Regenesis which got added today Author: serena75 Time: 8-18-2009 16:15
I've watched as far as episode 6.
I actually thought Charlie would disappear when he poured the water over his head. What a disappointment
It's horrible what they're doing to Reena. I didn't expect that to go on for so many episodes.
I really don't like O1 Boxer Author: serena75 Time: 8-23-2009 13:59 Subject: Episode 7
I liked this episode. Now we know a little bit more about Charlie's past. I liked the last line: "It's a reminder. It reminds me of what I was, so I can hold on to who I am." Author: serena75 Time: 9-6-2009 05:01 Subject: Episode 8 and 9
Episode 8 - we find out more about Charlie's past, and why he feels the way he does about Vexcor, and about himself and what he did when he was a soldier.
An ok episode.
Episode 9 - Vexcor is closing in on Charlie, and 01 is hurt.
I liked this episode, but now they want us to feel sympathy for 01 after everything he has done and I'm having a difficult time with it.
I've suspected for a while now that he actually is an experiment, number 10. Maybe he's not even Brian's son. Author: serena75 Time: 11-5-2009 16:22 Subject: Episode 10
I haven't watched Charlie Jade for a while.
Episode 10 - Charlie Jade is hiding from Vexcor, and reunited with an old friend. An ok episode.
[ Last edited by serena75 at 3-17-2010 00:47 ] Author: serena75 Time: 3-16-2010 15:47 Subject: Episode 11 - Thicker Than Water
Just started watching Charlie Jade again.
Charlie sneaks into Vexcor to find out more about 01 and how he can travel between the universes.
01 is back to his old self again
[ Last edited by serena75 at 3-17-2010 00:55 ]
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