[ Last edited by shinny at 6-27-2009 11:19 ]
Author: spratt89 Time: 7-31-2009 07:00
Season 1 Episode 1: Prescription for Death
What A Way To Start The Episode With A Man Bringing In His Daughter For A Prescription And She Ends Up Dead. The Dad Goes To The Cops As He Thinks One Of The Doctors Made A Mistake And Killed Her, Detectives Greevey And Logan Go And Speak To Some Doctors That Were Treating Her And They All Say That There Was Something Else Wrong With Her, After That Both Greevey And Logan Speak To The Chief Of Medicine And He Was Useless But They Look At Susanna Morton's File And Notice Someone Has Used White Out To Hide A Mistake On Her Chart. Greevey And Logan Go And Speak With A Nurse Who Says That Chief Of Medicine Had Been Drinking And Then A Resident Said He Was Flat Out Drunk, After Greevey And Logan Arrest Dr Auster, ADA Robinette And Stone Speak To Some Other Doctors And They All Agree To Testify To Dr Auster Being Drunk At The Time Susanna Morton Died, At The Trial Some Witnesses Made Some Funny Comments But At The Lunch Break Greevey Followed Auster To A Bar And Then In Court Proved He Was Drunk And Responsible For Susanna Morton Dying.
First Time I Have Ever Seen The First Ever Episode Of Law & Order And Have To Say It Was Great To Watch And Had Some Great Moments In It Like The Ending And Dr Auster Having To Do That Test.
I have hidden my recap in white writing as not to ruin the episode for people that have not seen it yet.
Author: spratt89 Time: 7-31-2009 07:01
Season 1 Episode 2: Subterranean Homeboy Blues
So Out Of No Where Shots Are Fired On A Subway Train, 2 Men Are Badly Injured And Taken To Hospital, Detectives Greevey And Logan Are Told By A Witness The Shooter Was A Woman, The Detectives Then Go And Speak With Jones To Get His Side Of The Story, They Then Go And Speak To A Mrs Hastings Who Says That The Lady Should Get A Medal For What She Did And Then Another Lady Lets The Detectives Know Where The Lady Danced By What Was On Her Bag, After Some Searching By The Detectives They Find Laura Di Biasi And Question Her At The Precinct To Find Out What She Says Happened, The Detectives Then Head Back To The Hospital To Speak With Darnell The Other Victim And Find Out Jones Had Died, The Detectives Arrest Laura, ADA Robinette Goes And Speaks With A Nurse That Knows Laura And She Tells Him She Was Attacked Before, Stone And Greevey Start To Argue After They Find Out Who Jones Really Is, Robinette Searches Laura's Home And Leave With Some Possible Evidence, At The Trial Stone Questions Laura And Makes Some Good And Bad Points, Shambala Asks The Judge If She Can Do A Quick Re-enactment Of What Happened On The Train, At The End With New Evidence Stone Drops The Murder Charges On Laura.
Well This Episode Had It All, Cops & Layers Going At It At One Point And Then The Twist With Jones Was Really Good, I Loved It When They Did The Re-enactment Of What Happened. Overall A Very Good Episode.
I have hidden my recap in white writing as not to ruin the episode for people that have not seen it yet.
Author: spratt89 Time: 7-31-2009 07:01
Season 1 Episode 3: The Reaper's Helpe
Detectives Greevey And Logan Arrive At The Scene Of A Murdered Man, The Detectives Speak To The Victims Neighbours, After The Detectives Speak To A Few People They Go And See Mr And Mrs Holland Parents Of Bobby The Victim, The Detectives Head To Where Bobby Worked And Speak To A Few Of His Co-Workers And Then Head Over And Speak To Lois Rivera And Find Out Something Interesting About Bobby, The Detectives Head Back And Speak To Mr And Mrs Holland A Second Time, After A Short Talk They Go And Speak To Angel Suarez About His Relationship About Bobby, Greevey And Logan Find Out About Other Cases That Matches Their Murder, After Some Hard Work They Find A Man With A Connection To All 3 Deaths In The 3 States. Greevey And Logan Go And Arrest Jack Curry At His Home And Question Him At The Precinct, ADA Stone Speaks With Both Mr And Mrs Holland And They Both Say Something Different, After Stone And Robinette Speak With DA Schiff They Then Speak With Jack And His Lawyer Miss Debakey, Stone Learns That Jack Has Aids Too, He Then Tells The Detectives To Find Evidence So They Can Drop The Charges But Learn Someone Else Decides To Use A Mercy Killing And Are Forced To Continue With The Case, Jack Is Questioned By Stone And Miss Debakey On The Stand, Miss Debakey Then Finds Out About What Stone Tried To Do And Because Of That Jack Is Found Guilty On 1 Minor Charge.
This Was The Best Episode Of The 3 So Far, The Way He Wanted To Just Drop The Charges Was Good, The Ending Was Good With Stone Leaking The Information About The Meeting They All Had, Overall A Great Episode.
I have hidden my recap in white writing as not to ruin the episode for people that have not seen it yet.
Author: spratt89 Time: 7-31-2009 07:02
Season 1 Episode 4: Kiss the Girls and Make Them Die
A Women Comes Home To Find Her Room-mate Paige Brutely Assaulted In The Bed, Greevey And Logan Speak To The Doctor Treating Paige After That They Went And Spoke To The Room-mate And Head Off Speak To Some Other People That Knew Paige And Got Some Background Information On Her. Detectives Greevey And Logan Head To Coopers Bar And Get A Description Of The Man She Was With. They Then Head To The Hospital To See Paige But She Had Died, Greevey And Logan Speak To The Paige's Parents And Then Her Room-mate Again. From There They Go And Speak To Steve The Man She Was With At Coopers Bar But He Has A Alibi, After Greevey And Logan Speak With A Old Friend Of Paige's They Get The Name Of The Other Man She Was With, Greevey And Logan Question Ned At The Precinct, ADA Stone Talks With DA Schiff About The Case, ADA Robinette Speaks To Ned's fiancée, A Former Work Partner And Then A Waitress, He Then Flies To Boston To Speak To Someone That May Of Been Assaulted By Ned In The Past, The Lady Then Flies Out To New York And Tells Stone And Robinette What Ned Did To Her. At The Trial Things Start To Go Bad, The Judge Turns Down Stones Attempt To Get The Other Victim On The Stand, After Having Ned's fiancée Meet The Other Lady She Testifies Against Ned Turns Things There Way And Ned Is Found Guilty.
This Episode It Was Brilliant, Never Had A Dull Moment. I Liked What Stone Did With Ned's fiancée While He Questioned Her, Overall This Episode Had Everything And Loved The Guy Who Kept Saying My Kind Of People.
I have hidden my recap in white writing as not to ruin the episode for people that have not seen it yet.
Author: spratt89 Time: 7-31-2009 07:03
Season 1 Episode 5: Happily Ever After
A Man Is Shot To Death In A Parking Garage And His Wife Survives, Greevey And Logan Go To See Janet Ralston But Talk With Mr Himes, They Then Talk With The Homeless Man And Get A ID Of The Shooter, Greevey And Logan Go To Speak To Willie, He Runs But They Catch Him And Question Him, The Detectives Then Speak To Janet At The Hospital And Get A Positive ID As Willie As The Shooter, Greevey And Logan Talk At A Pup And Greevey Doubts That Willie Did It, The Next Day They Go See Janet At The Apartment And She Tells The Same Story Word For Word. Greevey And Logan Go To See Willie In Jail And Proves He Did Not Do It And Ask Captain Cragen To Re-Open The Case With New Information They Got, They Follow Janet For 3 Days And She Goes To A Hotel With Mr Himes, After Mr Himes Leaves They Talk To Janet And She Tells Them What Happened, Stone And Robinette Talk With Janet, Greevey And Logan Find Some Stuff To Prove Janet May Of Been Involved And Robinette Speaks With Someone About The Life Insurance Policy, Greevey And Logan Speak With Willie Again And Go And Arrest Janet, Stone Tries To Play Janet And Mr Himes Off Against Each Other And In The End Mr Himes Turns On Janet And Tells The Jury Everything Ending In Janet Being Found Guilty.
This Was Another Brilliant Episode, The Way Stone Tried To Play Them Off Against Each Other Was Good, Felt Sort Of Sorry For Willie Being In The Wrong Place At The Wrong Time, Overall A Great Episode To Watch.
I have hidden my recap in white writing as not to ruin the episode for people that have not seen it yet.
Author: spratt89 Time: 7-31-2009 07:03
Season 1 Episode 6: Everybody's Favorite Bagman
Councilman Halsey Is Stabbed And Is Taken To Hospital With A 50/50 Chance Of Making It, Greevey And Logan Question A Man Narcotics Arrested, After That They Speak To His Partner In Crime At The Precinct, Both Suspects Say They Robbed Him After Someone Else Attacked Him, Greevey And Logan Speak To A Witness That Saw What Happened, Greevey And Logan Find Out That Anthony Scalisi Brought The Coat, Both Suspects And Witness Both ID Anthony As The Real Suspect So They Go And Arrest Him, Stone And Robinette Speak To Mrs Halsey And Then Robinette Speaks To Alicia Heslin The Lover Of Chuck Halsey, Stone Talks With Anthony And His Lawyer When Robinette Comes Into The Office And Lets Stone Know That Mr Halsey Had Died, Stone And Robinette Talk With US Attorney John McCormack With Them Getting More Evidence With There Case, Anthony Is Sent Into A Meeting To Ge More Evidence Wearing A Wire, When He Gets The Evidence They Need They Notice A Man Walking Into The Restaurant And He Shoots And Kills Anthony Before They Could Get There To Stop It From Happening, The Three Men At The Meeting Are Charged And End Up On Trial Where It Ends.
This Was A Great Episode, The Ending When Anthony Was Shot You Could Kind Of See Happening, Shame Jefferson The Man Robinette Knew Was Bad. Was Good With Having The Mob Sort Of Involved With The Crime.
I have hidden my recap in white writing as not to ruin the episode for people that have not seen it yet.
Author: spratt89 Time: 7-31-2009 07:03
Season 1 Episode 7: By Hooker, By Crook
A Women Walking Her Dog Finds A Man Badly Beaten In A Bush, Greevey And Logan Find Out That Mr Diamond Had His Underwear On Backwards, They Then Go And Talk With Mrs Diamond An Then Head To Mr Diamonds Work Place And A Pub He Was At With A Women, Greevey And Logan Speak To A Man That Saw The Lady Mr Diamond Was With At The Hotel, Greevey And Logan Get The Name Of The Lady Mr Diamond Was With, Greevey Goes Undercover And Hires The Jolene And Then Arrests Her, Greevey And Logan Question Jolene After They Find Out Mr Diamond Had Died, Greevey And Logan Speak To Cookie The Man That Moved Mr Diamond And Made It Look Like A Mugging, He Tells Them He Moved Mr Diamond On Orders By A Lady Called Jasmine, Greevey Goes Undercover Again And Hires Jasmine And Then Arrests Her, Greevey And Logan Go And Arrest The Boss Laura Winthrop, At Her Arraignment Some Jokes Are Made, Stone And Robinette Find Some Evidence And Have To Drop A Bombshell On Jolene When They Tell Her She Has Aids, Stone Questions Some Of The Clients Which Causes Some Laughter In The Courtroom By What They Said, Stone Questions Cookie And He All But Puts The Last Nail In Laura Winthrop s Coffin By What He Said, Stone Gets Emotional While Questioning Laura On The Stand, In The End Laura And Stone Make A Deal That She Serves 5 Years In Prison But Out In 2 And A Half With Good Behaviour.
Well This Was A Very Good Episode, The Whole Prostitution Thing Was A Good Storyline, But Was Really Funny When Greevey Went Undercover Twice, Overall A Very Good Episode With Funny Moments In The Courtroom.
I have hidden my recap in white writing as not to ruin the episode for people that have not seen it yet.
Author: spratt89 Time: 7-31-2009 07:04
Season 1 Episode 8: Poison Ivy
2 Cops Start To Chase 3 Men, Freddo Shoots One Of Them And Says He Pulled A Gun On Him, Greevey And Logan Investigate And Get The Name Of One Of The Runners, They Go To His Home And Take Him Down To The Precinct Where The Freddo And Davies Don't ID Him, Greevey And Logan Arrest Silky For Selling The Dead Kid A Gun, Greevey And Logan Speak With Doris And Get The Name Tommy Richardson The Name Of The Dead Kid, Reverend Thayer Identifies Tommy From A Picture, Greevey And Logan Speak With Freddo And Cause Tension, Logan Speaks With Davies Alone, Greevey And Logan Speak To Doris Again And Then To Tommy's Little Brother, They Then Go And Talk To Silky Again, Freddo Is Then Arrested For Killing Tommy, Robinette Speaks To Reverend Thayer, A Collage Room-mate And Someone Who Hung Out With Tommy, Stone And Robinette Speak To Tommy's Mum And Younger Brother When His Brother Tells Stone What Tommy Was Doing, Robinette Speaks To Doris, Then Stone And Robinette Try To Make A Deal With Freddo But He Wants His Day In Court, Things Go Off Track For Stone During The Trial, Greevey And Logan Arrest Silky For Dealing And He Tells Stone What Really Happened The Night Tommy Died, Things Turn In Stones Favour Thanks To Silky Telling Everyone That Freddo Planted The Gun On Tommy, Stone And Robinette Are Told At The End That Freddo Had Killed Himself.
This Was The Best Episode So Far, I Knew Something Was Not Strange With What Freddo Had Said Happened, But The Ending With Reverend Thayer In Church Was Really Good, Overall Great Episode To Watch.
I have hidden my recap in white writing as not to ruin the episode for people that have not seen it yet.
Author: spratt89 Time: 7-31-2009 07:04
Season 1 Episode 9: Indifference
Greevey And Logan Arrive At A School Where A Young Girl Is Hurt, Greevey And Logan Try And Speak With Mrs Lowenstein The Mum But She Is High On Something, They Then Go And Speak With Principal Babcock About The Lowenstein's, Greevey And Logan Go To Where Jacob Lowenstein Used To Work And Head Over To Where He Is Working Now, Greevey And Logan Question Jacob At The Precinct, Greevey And Logan Arrest Carla Before She Could Hurt Her Son, After Talking With Carla They Go And Speak To Rudy A Neighbour And Find Out Carla Is Back Home With The Boy, They Rush Over There And Arrest Both Carla And Jacob, Didi Dies In Hospital, Robinette Speaks To Carla, Stone Decides To Put Both Carla And Jacob On Trial At The Same Time, Stone Talks With Adam And Says He Wants To Go After Jacob More, Stone And Robinette Learn Something Very Interesting, Stone Questions Carla At Trial And Then Jacob's Lawyer Does And Things End Up Sort Of Bad, Shambala Lets Stone And Robinette Know That Jacob Is A Drug Dealer, Stone Questions Mrs Rowlings At The Trial And She Confirms What Shambala Said About Jacob Turning Things In Stones Favour, Stone Gets Right Into Jacob's Face When He Questions Him During The Trial, Judge Erdheim Sentences Both Carla And Jacob To Long Jail Sentences.
Well The Episode Started Of Slow But Got Better The Longer It Went On, Jacob Is A Horrible Man And Should Of Got Longer In Jail, Carla Was Just Out Of It, Overall A Very Good Episode But Second Half Was Better.
I have hidden my recap in white writing as not to ruin the episode for people that have not seen it yet.
Author: spratt89 Time: 7-31-2009 07:04
Season 1 Episode 10: Prisoner Of Love
2 Cops Go Into A Building And Find A Man Dead Inside, Greevey And Logan Go To The Victims Home And Speak To His Wife, Greevey And Logan Speak To Some People That Saw Him The Night He Died, Greevey Asks Cragen To Take Him Off The Case But Cragen Says No, Greevey And Logan Speak To Mrs Moore Again, Logan Talks To Sandra The Daughter, Greevey And Logan Speak To Some People That Knew Victor, Greevey And Logan Speak To Mrs Hendrick About Victor, They Then Go And Speak To Cathy The Leather Store Owner, They Then Talk With Mr Rothman And Then Mrs Hendrick But Both Tell Different Stories, Greevey And Logan Arrest Henry Rothman After His Prints Were At The Crime Scene, Adam Tells Stone And Robinette To Destroy Both Mr Rothman And Mrs Hendrick, Stone Talks With Henry And His Lawyer Erica, Stone Gets A Tap On Mrs Hendricks Phone And Hear Something Very Interesting, Stone Talks With Henry And Erica Again And Gets Henry To Turn On Mrs Hendrick, Stone And Robinette Search Mrs Hendricks Home, After That They Speak With Cathy, Henry Testifies But It Still Does Not Help That Much, Stone Decides To Play A Dangerous Game With Mrs Hendrick While She Testifies, Mrs Hendrick Forces Henry To Say He Was Alone When Victor Died And Then Kills Himself In His Office But Leaves Evidence Resulting In Mrs Hendrick Being Arrested.
This Episode Was Strange, But Was Nice To See A Different Side To Greevey And Stone For That Matter, What A Bunch Of Strange People Is All I Can Say, Overall A Very Strange Episode But Still Very Good To Watch.
I have hidden my recap in white writing as not to ruin the episode for people that have not seen it yet.
Author: spratt89 Time: 7-31-2009 07:05
Season 1 Episode 11: Out of the Half-Light
A women and her dog find a teenager hurt, Astrea tells Greevey and Logan who hurt her which causes some problems, Greevey talks with Cragen while Logan talks With Astrea's mum, Greevey and Logan speak to a girl that used to hang with Astrea and then speak with Jordan who knows Astrea, Greevey and Logan argue with Congressman Eaton at the hospital, Logan and Cragen have a minor argument, Mr and Mrs Crawford hide their daughter Astrea, Stone and Robinette give Cragen some advice while Congressman Eaton continues to cause problems for the NYPD, Cragen and Stone argue about what happened at the Church, Stone talks with Congressman Eaton at the hospital, Robinette speaks with Jordan but it looks like he has been told what to say, Stone questions Eaton during the trial, The Crawford mum and daughter are arrested. The Judge sentences them both to 30 days in jail, Robinette is given the chance to speak with Mrs Crawford alone and she tells him what really happened, Robinette speaks to the whole Crawford family and then talks with Mr Eaton, At the end Adam does not like the deal that was made with the Crawford Family.
This was a very good episode, had a few twists which I did not see coming but in the end everything worked out fine and Robinette got the truth, Eaton is some peace of work to do what he did to the Crawford Family.
I have hidden my recap in white writing as not to ruin the episode for people that have not seen it yet.
Author: spratt89 Time: 7-31-2009 07:05
Season 1 Episode 12: Life Choice
A Bomb goes off during a protest about having abortions, Greevey and Logan learn that someone was still inside the building, Greevey and Logan visit's some abortion groups, Greevey and Logan go to where the Miss Turners Car was towed to and then go and speak with her parents, Greevey and Logan speak with Miss Turners Brother and then head to where Mary (Victim) was a teacher, They speak to Patrick Dunne a friend of Mary's, Greevey and Logan then speak with Rose Schwimmer and then Celeste McClure when Logan finds evidence that she had the stuff needed to make a bomb, Greevey and Logan talk with Stone and Robinette, Stone talks with Celeste's lawyer, Stone and Robinette then talk with Adam, Stone talks with Celeste and her lawyer again but gets nowhere with them while Robinette talks to Rose, Mr and Mrs Donovan and Patrick. Stone and Robinette talk to Patrick at the precinct and then to Celeste again who gives up Rose Schwimmer, Stone talks to Rose but it was useless, Stone questions Celeste during the trial and gets all the evidence he needed, Rose decides to testify and Stone asks 1 question causing her to shut up from her little rant, And well Rose is found guilty of all charges.
This was just a great episode, Stone took a while to get Celeste to turn on Rose, I Thought she never would, When I First saw Rose I Thought she might of been behind it all, Rose on the stand was intense.
I have hidden my recap in white writing as not to ruin the episode for people that have not seen it yet.
Author: spratt89 Time: 7-31-2009 07:05
Season 1 Episode 13: A Death in the Family
Greevey and Logan arrive at a domestic dispute when a man lands on a car and then a Police Officer is shot and killed on the roof of the building, Greevey and Logan speak with Officer Sandoval and then the super of the building, Greevey and Logan track down the owner of a Jacket they found in a bin and he says it is with his ex girlfriend who pulls a gun on Greevey and Logan when they find her but she hands it over, Greevey and Logan speak to a gun store owner who had been robbed, Greevey and Logan have a talk with Cassie and then talk to Mavis the brother of the shooter, Logan and Sandoval argue, Cragen, Greevey and Logan speak to walkers Lawyer who says he did not do it, Greevey and Logan find and arrest Walker, Robinette tries to iron out some possible evidence, Stone and Robinette talk with a ex cell mate of Walkers when Stone starts to get a bad feeling about what really happened on the roof. Stone and Robinette talk with Pete's wife, Robinette attempts to speak to Sandoval, he then talks to a car dealer who had cars waiting for Pete to pick up, Stone and Robinette speak to a lady that Pete was paying, Stone and Robinette find out that Pete could be a dirty cop and that he killed a drug dealer, Stone and Robinette talk to Walker and then Sandoval at the scene where Pete died, Sandoval tells them everything and says she has a recording of what happened which Proves Sandoval shot and killed Pete by accident.
Well this was a brilliant episode with a ending I never saw coming, Sandoval does half have a short temper when he argued with Logan at the Precinct, I Thought Greevey and going to shoot Walker when they found him.
I have hidden my recap in white writing as not to ruin the episode for people that have not seen it yet.
Author: spratt89 Time: 7-31-2009 07:06
Season 1 Episode 14: The Violence of Summer
All hell breaks loose in the court-room, Stone and Robinette talk with Ryan and then have a chat with Adam when they find out that none of the DNA matches any of the suspects, Robinette chats with Greevey and Logan about the case and tells them the bad news, Stone and Robinette talk with Monica the rape victim who says she was working on a story when she was rapped, Stones case is falling to pieces, Stone tells Monica he has to dismiss the case until they find more evidence, Cragen, Detectives and Lawyers try to think of a way to get the evidence they need, Greevey and Logan talk to some people in the building where the rape happened and speak to one man who tells them something he did not say before, Greevey and Logan have a idea, Monica is hypnotized to remember and that is when Greevey and Logan find out there was a forth rapist and Monica is able to remember his first name, Greevey and Logan get the full name of the forth suspect, Greevey and Logan then talk to Ryan and he agrees to Testifies, They then go and arrest Tim, The case goes from bad to worse when the Rape Sample goes missing, Greevey tricks Howard and Steven into turning on Tim, Stone goes into Trial with all the evidence he needs, all 3 suspects are found guilty 3 weeks later.
This was quite a good episode, Was great when Greevey tricked the other 2 suspects into talking about the case, Was good when Monica was hypnotized, the start of the episode was brilliant to watch.
I have hidden my recap in white writing as not to ruin the episode for people that have not seen it yet.
Author: spratt89 Time: 7-31-2009 07:06
Season 1 Episode 15: The Torrents of Greed (Part 1)
2 Cops sit outside of a food store while the owner is getting assaulted, Greevey and Logan investigate and speak to Mr Hoover the man sleeping outside of the store, Logan informs Greevey that their was a previous assault with the same MO, Mr Hoover Identifies Joe Pilefsky as the bad guy, Greevey and Logan question Joe, Mr Hoover is found dead by Greevey and Logan at the motel he was staying in, Greevey and Logan speak to Mr Zalta and then speak with Mr Beigel, After that they speak to a store owner Mr Spivak who is selling Illegal Cigarettes and get the evidence to arrest Mr Zalta, Logan questions Joe and he tells him everything he knows, Joe Pilefsky, Mr Beigel and Mario Zalta are all put on trial, Robinette speaks to Isaac's daughter, Mr Beigel tells Stone all about the missing Union Leader for a deal, Stone and Robinette then speak with Joe, Greevey and Logan arrest Frank Masucci for the murder of the Union Leader, Stone Questions Mr Beigel and Mr Zalta during the trial, The Next Day he questions Joe But once Masucci's lawyer proves that Joe is lying the case is chucked out and Frank now cant be tried for the murder of the union leader due to Double jeopardy.
This was a great episode and was a brilliant part 1, Stone got greedy going after Frank and it backfired big time on him, I Was shocked when we found out Joe was Lying just to get Frank and Mr Beigel Free.
I have hidden my recap in white writing as not to ruin the episode for people that have not seen it yet.
Author: spratt89 Time: 7-31-2009 07:07
Season 1 Episode 16: The Torrents of Greed (Part 2)
Starts with Mario and Joe on trial for the assault on Isaac, Adam tells Robinette to speak to Judge Fishbein to get a tap put on Mr Beigel and Mr Masucci's phone lines, Greevey and Logan follow Mr Beigel and then follow Laurel who he had brought to lie about building violations, Stone and Robinette talk with Laurel who decides to turn on Mr Beigel to save herself from jail, Greevey and Logan arrest Mr Beigel and then Stone talks with him but he wont turn on Frank, Greevey and Logan talk with Joe but he wont talk either so Greevey gets a fellow inmate into kissing Joe to say the kiss of death, Joe decides to tell Stone and Robinette everything for witness protection, They then speak to Mr Beigel and his lawyer again and he starts to tell them everything he knows, Greevey and Logan follow Mr Beigel but lose him and the next day speak to the limo driver who lied but then told them the truth, Greevey and Logan thinks that Mr Beigel is now dead so they speak to Mrs Beigel, Greevey and Logan speak to Cragen but he then tells them both to follow Mrs Beigel and she argues with Frank her brother, Stone and Robinette speak to Mrs Beigel who gives them the location of Franks Burial Ground where all his victims are, Frank is arrested but later Stone finds out that Frank was bailed out, Greevey and Logan try to track down Frank and when they do he is shot and killed by two men, Stone, Robinette, Greevey and Logan believe that Mrs Beigel had her brother killed for killing her Husband but she has now left New York.
This was just a brilliant episode to watch, the ending when Frank got killed you could see coming and he sort of deserved what he got, But in the end Stone did get Mr Beigel killed and Greevey tricking Joe Was brilliant.
I have hidden my recap in white writing as not to ruin the episode for people that have not seen it yet.
Author: spratt89 Time: 7-31-2009 07:07
Season 1 Episode 17: Mushrooms
Shots are fired in a apartment building, Greevey and Logan arrive at the scene and learn one of the victims was a baby, Greevey and Logan go and break the news to Denise Winters that her baby is dead and her other son is in hospital, Greevey and Logan search the Winters home to find a possible motive, Greevey and Logan speak to a young boy who tells them a good place to find the bad people of the neighbourhood, Greevey and Logan go the the location the boy gave them and arrest some people and find the murder weapon, Greevey and Logan speak to Mrs Winters again, Greevey and Logan question Ronald and he tells them who he gave the gun too, Greevey and Logan arrest Dizz Williams and question him, Stone and Robinette this time questions Dizz and he tells them who he gave the gun too, Greevey and Logan now arrest T-Ball and then question him with Robinette present, Stone makes a deal with T-Balls lawyer to get a big drug dealer off the streets, Robinette Speaks to Mrs Kay and later finds a motive as to why Mr Kay was the real target of Mr Ingrams, Stone and Robinette speak to Mr Kay but he wont talk, They then try and make a deal with Mr Ingrams but he wants his day in court, Stone gets Mr Kay to testify after having all of his money taken away, Mr Ingrams lawyer does a good job of destroying Stones case, But Stone questions T-ball the shooter and finds out he cant read which is why he went to the wrong address, Mr Ingrams is guilty of all charges.
This was a great episode, It seemed like the birthday game where you pass the parcel around with the gun, And I Was shocked when we learned that T-Ball could not read and was the reason why a baby got killed.
I have hidden my recap in white writing as not to ruin the episode for people that have not seen it yet.
Author: spratt89 Time: 7-31-2009 07:08
Season 1 Episode 18: The Secret Sharers
2 Cops hear gun shots but nobody is saying if they saw the shooter, Greevey and Logan ask around but don't find any witnesses to the shooting, Greevey and Logan find a gun on the victims body, They then go and speak to a parole officer and then speak to Anita the sister of the victim, Greevey and Logan question Hector at the precinct as he argued with the Victim, Greevey and Logan then speak with Alicia Rivers and then talk to Anna Rivers who says her gun was stolen, Greevey and Logan then find out that Lucy Rivers was mugged and is in the hospital, Greevey and Logan talk with Lucy after visiting hours and then to a nurse who heard some things that Father Torres and Nicky were talking about, Greevey and Logan talk with Father Torres and then arrest Alicia for Murder, Robinette speaks to Anna and she then tells Stone and Robinette that Nicky was the shooter, Stone and Shambala argue over a deal. Adam tells Stone to deal when Robinette tells Stone that Nicky has got a new lawyer from Texas, Stone questions Anna and Alicia on the stand, Chet Burton the new lawyer starts to annoy the Judge with his questions to the people on the stand, Stone and Chet talk over a deal but they don't agree on one, The Judge tells Stone and Chet that Father Torres must testify, They both question Father Torres but Chet continues to annoy the Judge, Stone gets new information on Nicky but he cant use it, Chet calls Hector to the stand and because of what Hector says Nicky is found not guilty.
This was a very good episode, Arresting Alicia to get to Nicky was just wrong but Chet taught Stone a lesson, The ending with the jury knowing Nicky was guilty but saying not guilty is just scary thing to think about.
I have hidden my recap in white writing as not to ruin the episode for people that have not seen it yet.
Author: codebreaker Time: 10-3-2009 08:38 Subject: Law & Order 20x02 Just A Girl In The World
I haven't watched the other seasons because there are too many but i have watched the last two episodes And the girl on trial in this episode was a great liar but went to far with the judge
Author: bala Time: 10-3-2009 09:09 Subject: Reply 2#2 codebreaker's post
This is my problem i want to watch current season but am worried i have missed too much .
Author: codebreaker Time: 10-3-2009 09:38 Subject: Reply 3#3 bala's post
I have only watched the last two episodes and i don't remember seeing that many on TV so i know nothing about the cast and if their is a underline story line and i don't want to watch over 400 episodes
Author: codebreaker Time: 10-17-2009 06:46 Subject: Law & Order 20x04 Reality Bites
Interesting episode when the mother of ten adopted children is found dead and the husband appears to be the prime suspect but the jury are dead locked
Author: codebreaker Time: 11-8-2009 01:20 Subject: Law & Order 20x07 Boy Gone Astray
Disturbing episode using children to assassinate the victim was brutal
Author: codebreaker Time: 11-8-2009 02:04 Subject: Law & Order 20x08 Doped
Wow tragic episode but spiking her smoothie and nasal spay was incredible causing the death of 7 people but ringing 911 from 10 miles away was his down fall all because she was going to give the the money away
Author: codebreaker Time: 11-21-2009 10:56 Subject: Law & Order 20x10 Shotgun
Interesting episode the old man managed to turn a shakedown to his own advantage so as to get the best price for his store
Author: codebreaker Time: 3-14-2010 03:53 Subject: 20x15 Brilliant Disguise
Great episode he was a cold and cunning killer but the court scenes were good especially getting the killer to loose control
Author: codebreaker Time: 3-17-2010 09:16 Subject: 20x16 Innocence
Another great episode it hard to believe that the Assistant District Attorney never got his BA but the guy that killed the gay guy was so argent that it cost him 25 years
Author: codebreaker Time: 3-25-2010 06:31 Subject: 20x17 Four Cops Shot
Good episode the cops may have crossed the line with their informant but her diary was his undoing
Author: codebreaker Time: 3-31-2010 08:28 Subject: 20x18 Brazil
Good episode it's as shame that someone almost died just to try and get and get the child back from Brazil
Author: codebreaker Time: 5-6-2010 11:45 Subject: 20x19 Crashers
Tragic that Brenna died after crashed an upscale political event, hosted by Senator Peterson and his wife, Camille because of her brothers affair with Camille
Author: codebreaker Time: 5-11-2010 09:10 Subject: 20x20 The Taxman Cometh
good episode who would of thought 2010 was a good year to die but the family tree was complicated
Author: codebreaker Time: 5-17-2010 08:56 Subject: 20x21 Immortal
Michael Cutter went to far with Lt. Anita Van Buren's personal medical situation but getting 10 million dollars compensation for the family that had their DNA taken for over 50 years for medical research without consent
Author: codebreaker Time: 5-17-2010 10:05 Subject: 20x22 Love Eternal
Interesting case when a reality TV crew finds a dead body locked in a dog cage they obviously suspected the wife but the real killer slipped up in the dock with the details that only the wife and killer knew
Author: codebreaker Time: 5-25-2010 10:11 Subject: 20x23 Rubber Room
How ridiculous that they are more scared of union lawyers than a bomb threat and all because the teacher was suspended for trying to stop a student for pissing in to waste paper bin
Author: bala Time: 5-25-2010 10:14 Subject: Reply 17#17 codebreaker's post
i am planning on catch up on this season during the summer
Author: codebreaker Time: 5-25-2010 10:18 Subject: Reply 18#18 bala's post
I have loads of shows still to watch i have just finished Painkiller Jane and about to finish Trinity (UK)
Author: bala Time: 5-25-2010 10:34 Subject: Reply 19#19 codebreaker's post
you actually bothered with painkiller jane-it was rather disappointing how it ended
Author: codebreaker Time: 5-25-2010 10:48 Subject: Reply 20#20 bala's post
It was disappointing but i do like Sci-Fi and have watched about half of the Sci-Fi shows on VIP
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