Subject: Account- Viewing History [Print This Page] Author: hansel Time: 6-1-2009 00:02 Subject: Account- Viewing History
I cannot always tell where I was by the episode name. I'd like to have the episode number as we did before.
Second - I cannot sort by date viewed and I don't get that sort by default. Right now I see all the shows watched today, but not what I watched last night or any of last week! It jumps from 5/31 to 5/22 and that doesn't help!
I like the new look, but know what episode I most recently watched for each show is a big issue for me. I don;t even always remember the last season I was on!
Please - Fix the list to correctly show me in most recent to oldest order the episodes by season and number (and name also?) and it would be huge if I could filter by a specific show.
Yes my viewing history is exactly same but click on last few page at end should have you most recent viewing history-a member wanted a old viewing history on first page and wanted latest episode they want on last page and this created a bit of confusion on viewing history Author: taokat Time: 11-24-2010 02:17
IS there a reason why the viewing history available in my account has suddenly shrunk? I've been a member for a quite a while now, so had several pages of viewing history. I looked today, and only the last 13 episodes I've watch are there. It was very useful to me to have the full history, as I have memory problems, so forget which series of different programmes I have got up to.
Any chance of getting the data back? Author: bala Time: 11-24-2010 02:26 Subject: Reply 3#3 taokat's post
That's odd i have check my history i have 40 pages of viewing history however you should use backup function on viewing history. See picture below click on grey buttons to backup in which format you wanted.
[ Last edited by bala at 11-24-2010 10:28 ] Author: taokat Time: 11-24-2010 09:07
I've not had a chance to watch much lately, but my history only goes back to September 29th of this year, and I'm sure those buttons weren't there a few weeks back when I was last using my account regularly. Fine for the new stuff, but is there any way the old stuff can be put back? Author: bala Time: 11-24-2010 09:13 Subject: Reply 5#5 taokat's post
Those button were added few months back because many member were complaining about deleted viewing history so admin look into added those button so that members could back up there viewing history before it got erased. Last time it got erased was when you said.
but is there any way the old stuff can be put back?
No it's gone Sorry
[ Last edited by bala at 11-24-2010 17:14 ] Author: shinny Time: 11-24-2010 10:54 Subject: Reply 5#5 taokat's post
The function has been there since early July of this year. It's necessary to remove "non critical" data so the servers work at their optimum performance. Unfortunately there is no way to get the history back. I would suggest you go to and read the description of an episode. This will help you remember if you've already seen it.
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