Heroes GN link

Since the show is on hiatus and so are the quizzes for a while, I thought I'd start a thread with a link to the graphic novels. This week's installment is entitled: Elle's First Assignment (part 1). Feel free to post your comments about the GNs here.

The new GN is up: Chapter 68: The Man with Too Much Brains

Reply 22#22 imarielle626's post
The company having a boy like Matt could potentially be very dangerous! Unlike Charlie who had to read information to remember it, it seems like Matt just knows. LIke the human encyclopedia or something. I feel bad for him though. It seemed like he had a tough time in school and now is being locked away by the company. It will be interesting to see how he fits into the new season. Too bad he didn't got to my high school. He would have fit in perfectly! Let's just say at my high school our Calculus, Physics, Chemistry, etc. teams won more often than our football team did.

Reply 23#23 imarielle626's post
Did you notice the date on the Talent Show banner? It was 2009! So this is a character for next year. Very cool! Maybe Elle has found somebody that she could get close to...though he is a little young for her. I'm assuming the cake was for his 18th(?) birthday, since it seems like he's a senior in high school. Should prove interesting. He could be good or bad. It just depends on how he chooses to use his ability. I like it. p.s. Thanks for putting the link up Arielle. :)

Reply 24#24 waterlilybarb's post
I did not notice the date. I really need to pay more attention to those things! I usually don't catch them until the quizzes.

Here's the latest link - Chapter 69: Hana & Drucker's Plot Discovered. Notice the code names used...T. Monk...as in Thelonius. Drucker refers to music in this chapter. ...and K. Apila - which is Maharshi Kapila - a Vedic sage traditionally considered to be the original proponent of the Samkhya system of philosophy, which we know Drucker is also a proponent of. Interesting, to say the least. Wonder how this will affect Elle's new boy toy?

I was watching Kyle XY while reading this GN and I couldn't help but notice some similarities...storing large amounts of computer data in a human brain. Anyway, this GN made me wonder if we will actually be meeting Matt on the show, or if they are just using him to set the story for Drucker. But, I thought the conversation between Hana and Drucker about purushas, or what Hana refered to as "souls" was interesting since Hana is only "alive" through the wireless networking of the internet. Maybe we'll "see" more of her next season. oh, and I'm starting to wonder if anyone else actually reads the GNs because we seem to be the only ones here =) [ Last edited by imarielle626 at 1-22-2008 20:38 ]

Reply 27#27 imarielle626's post
I know what you mean. I don't know if many on our site read them regularly. They should, because it sure keeps your interest going for what will happen next on the show, AND it provides some great background info on the characters. They kept me going through the summer, and are helping me weather th strike. As for this week's edition, it's all happening in the future, since Matt was taken from school in 2009. Maybe they're setting something up for next season. It would be cool if the Hana/Drucker storyline got written in some way. I also like this new kid, even though he is working for the company. I wonder how they'll extract the info now that it's in his brain?

Chapter 70: The end of Hana and Drucker Wow intense! Now we know how they extracted the information...well sort of. I wonder what was so important about that information that it was more important than the kid's life. Can't wait for next week's GN!

Reply 29#29 imarielle626's post
Well, to The Company everything is more important than people's lives. They got their data...that's all they cared about. Poor Elle, still seeking Daddy's approval, and settling for the scraps he throws her. I hope, if she's on the show when it returns (no spoilers please...put them in the Spoiler thread) that she will see that she can have a place outside of The Company. BTW, did you notice what Hana said to Drucker? "Phir Milengay"...Hindi for "We will meet again". So I don't think this is really the end of either of them.

Reply 30#30 waterlilybarb's post
I was wondering what that was. I agree I don't think it is the end of them. After all as long as there is a wireless internet signal available Hana is still "alive". Drucker is probably the same.

Reply 31#31 imarielle626's post
Too bad we won't be meeting Matt though. It will be interesting to see if it changes Elle at all, that is if she returns, which I think she will.

Reply 32#32 waterlilybarb's post
The new GN isn't up yet. Bummer! I'll add the link when it is.

Reply 33#33 waterlilybarb's post
It took a little scrounging, but I found the new GN. It's a special edition, so isn't number 71. It does provide some back story though, which is always nice. Here's "The Rogue". Enjoy!

Reply 34#34 waterlilybarb's post
They finally got this week's GN up. Here's: Chapter 71 - History of a Secret. I'll be back to chat about it, but everyone else...enjoy!

Rogue: That was a nice little backstory, although i don't believe that is exactly how the cheerleading thing happened with Claire. I'd like to see more of the Mexico part of the story though. Maybe find out why when we meet him he is in jail. History of a secret: Interesting take on the mystery of how the pyramids were built. I really hope I get a chance to go down to Cairo while I'm in Israel to see them. If not I'll definiately be back! I wonder if this guy who has the power of levitation was the person Sylar got his levitation power from since we have yet to meet someone other than Sylar and Peter who has that power.

Here's the link to Chapter 72 - Past Experience. I'm just reading it now.

Reply 36#36 imarielle626's post
Sylar and Peter don't have the power to levitate. They have telekinetic abilities, but I think there's a difference. It certainly is an interesting theory about how the pyramids were built though. Past Experience is about Kimiko. YAY! I was hoping to find out more about her. This just whetted my appetite for even more. I'm still wondering if she has an, as yet unknown, ability, and if she might be Adam's new bride. I hope not, because I like her, and don't want her to be with a villain. I was hoping she and Ando would become a couple.

Reply 38#38 waterlilybarb's post
I also enjoyed finding out more about Kimiko. I too imagine she has an unknown ability. After all we are pretty certain Kaito had one even though we have yet to learn what it is and it seems that the gene, or what ever the mutation is, is passed down from birth so it would make sense for her to be a "hero" too. As far as her being Adam's new bride, this GN definitely opened up that option with her new found appreciation of him. That part where Kensei broke the sword in half and gave each half to the warriors made me think that was actually Hiro's doing, since what we know about Kensei from previous episodes, it does not seem in him personality to do something like that. Also, did you notice the difference in some of the graphics, specifically the drawing of Kimiko, Kaito and young Hiro. It was just something that stuck out to me. Maybe they've got a new GN artist, or are just trying to make the drawings more life like since they actually looked almost like a photograph more so than a drawing.

Reply 39#39 imarielle626's post
I did notice the difference in the drawings. I'll have to go back and check who was the artist for the other GNs about the Nakamura family to see if it was someone else, or the same artist trying to make it look more like the actors. Interesting thought about the sword. I hadn't thought of Hiro doing that. I was thinking it was part of the legend that got built up after Hiro made Kensei a hero.

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